Ways to Give

Become a recurring donor!
Small donations add up to BIG impact! If you are feeling called to give, please consider supporting Union County by joining the 1989 Society, in honor of the year the Foundation was established. A donation of $19.89 each month is an impactful way to give back to our wonderful community without busting your budget. Of course, you can gift any amount – together all donations make a difference.
JOIN THE 1989 SOCIETY OF DONORS and see just how convenient yet powerful your donations will get:
- SET IT and forget it! Click on GIVE ONLINE and select the recurring gift option.
- Budgeting SMALL donations adds up to BIG IMPACT over time! You choose the fund/cause you wish to support!
- ADJUST as needed! While we appreciate your monthly gift, we understand that circumstances may change. You are under no obligation and can adjust the amount or cancel your donation at any time.
- ROCK THE 1989 BADGE : show off your commitment and passion for where you live. Join a group of like-minded changemakers!
Thank you for considering giving to the Union County Foundation!
The great advantage of a community foundation is that your gift becomes part of an endowment fund. It is permanently invested and only the earnings are spent. In this way, your generosity lasts forever. Although there are many ways to donate to the Union County Foundation, the most widely used include:
- Cash gifts: the easiest and most convenient way to contribute. To make an online donation now please click here.
- Appreciated assets: whether securities or real property, the full market value of your gift can generally be deducted without recognizing income on the gain from your real cost.
- Bequests: by leaving a gift in your will to the Union County Foundation, for use in our grant-making or to benefit a specific charity of your choice, you leave a legacy that will have an impact for many, many years to come.
- Charitable remainder trusts: provide a life income to the donor or another beneficiary for a specific term of years or until the donor’s death, when the assets are passed on to the foundation.
- Charitable lead trusts: provide a regular gift to the Foundation during a specific period of time. At the end of the trust, the assets can be turned over to the donors or their heirs.
- Life insurance: can be an inexpensive way to make a substantial contribution. When you name the Union County Foundation as the owner and beneficiary, you are entitled to a tax deduction equal to the face value of the policy.
- Private foundations: you may find it useful and economical to transfer all or part of your private foundation’s assets to the Union County Foundation.
- Retirement plans: may be an effective way to fund a charitable bequest while providing tax benefits to the donors and their heirs.Memorials and tributes: friends and loved ones can be remembered in perpetuity through a gift in any amount to the Union County Foundation. These gifts are recognized in our annual report and notifications of such gifts are made at your request.