
General Scholarships

Our general scholarships have over 40 different scholarship opportunities available to UCHS students. Most scholarships are set up with specific criteria to be met. Some scholarships require references and several essays. Be sure to allow yourself enough time to complete and gather all the information needed. 


Scholarships become available in February and are due in March. Awards will be announced in May at the Union County Senior Awards Ceremony.


How to apply;

Visit our online application here

Create a username and password. You will be able to log in and out as you complete your application. 

As you enter specific criteria, the scholarship opportunities that you qualify for will populate.

Once all information is entered, click submit! 

2025 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship

Incoming high school seniors can apply online for the 2025 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship administered by the Union County Foundation. Applications become available August 1, 2024 and are due August 31, 2024 by 11:59pm

Who can apply? 

High school seniors who reside in Union County College Corner Joint School District and will graduate from Union County High School in June 2025. They will need to pursue a four-year baccalaureate full-time basis course of study at an accredited INDIANA public or private nonprofit college or university.

How do I apply?

Visit the Union County Foundations online application page. You’ll need to create an account and then begin your application. You will not be able to start this process until August 1, 2024

What do I need to apply?

Completing your application can take time. Get started early. It takes time to complete essays, fill out activity forms, upload transcript and gather letters of recommendations from trusted adults. You will not have to submit any tax documentation to be eligible for the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship. 

Lilly Endowment created LECSP for the 1997-98 school year and has supported the program every year since with tuition grants totaling more than $490 million. More than 5,300 Indiana students have received Lilly Endowment Community Scholarships since the program’s inception.

LECSP scholarships may be used for otherwise unreimbursed full tuition, required fees, and a special allocation of up to $900 per year.  The special allocation may cover the costs for required books and required equipment for four years of undergraduate study on a full-time basis leading to a baccalaureate degree at any eligible Indiana public or private nonprofit college or university.


The primary purposes of LECSP are: 1) to help raise the level of educational attainment in Indiana; 2) to increase awareness of the beneficial roles Indiana community foundations can play in their communities; and 3) to encourage and support the efforts of current and past Lilly Endowment Community Scholars to engage with each other and with Indiana business, governmental, educational, nonprofit and civic leaders to improve the quality of life in Indiana generally and in local communities throughout the state.


Union County Foundation is again pleased to offer LECSP for its 28th year in Union County.  “We are so fortunate to live in Union County where we have the LECSP available to  students so they can continue their education and provide them with a lasting impact for their future endeavors,” said Olivia Chewning, Executive Director of the Union County Foundation.

Adult Scholarships

The Union County Foundation is able to offer these scholarships to help local adult students attain or continue their higher education.

To qualify for an adult scholarship you must have the following; 

  1. Be at least 21 years old
  2. Reside in Union County or have graduated from Union County High School

We offer two cycles for Adult Scholarships.

Cycle 1; Applications are available in May. Payments are made in July to go towards Fall Semester.

Cycle 2; Applications are available in October. Payments are made in December to be used for Spring Semester.

Applications can be completed online here during the available months

The adult scholarship awards are supported by: Judd & Eva Webb Begley Memorial Fund, Lois Gesell Scholarship Fund, Megan Vonderheide Memorial Scholarship Fund and UC Foundation Adult Scholarship Fund

Norman & Mary Johnson Scholarship opportunity for Union County residents/graduates attending Ivy Tech Community College

Union County residents and Union County High School graduates attending Ivy Tech Community College can benefit from the Norman & Mary Johnson Scholarship. The application for this and other scholarships can be completed through your Ivy Tech student account login, on the Ivy Tech scholarships website.

The Johnson Scholarships are named for Norman Johnson, who served on the Ivy Tech Richmond’s regional board of trustees for 16 years, and his wife Mary. Mr. Johnson’s steadfast belief in the importance of higher education was shared by his wife and their family. Johnson Hall, on the Ivy Tech Richmond campus, is dedicated in honor and recognition of the Johnson Family’s extraordinary generosity and support of Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana.

  1. The Johnson Scholarship is for full- and part-time students at Ivy Tech Community College Richmond. The maximum annual award to an individual is not to exceed $2,500, adjusted for inflation. Scholarship dollars may be used for tuition, books, transportation, travel associated with the study and other reasonable incidentals.
  2. The candidate must be a resident of Union County, Indiana. In years when there are insufficient Union County residents, former Union County residents who attended Union County High School, or any of its predecessors and successors, may be considered as candidates for the scholarship.
  3. The candidate must complete the government financial aid application required for processing all college financial aid.
  4. The candidate’s financial need will be the determining factor in selecting the scholarship recipient and in setting the amount of the award.
  5. Candidates may apply for successive years.
  6. Apply online by visiting
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