We are very excited to share with you that the Union County Foundation has recently purchased property downtown Liberty Indiana!
So … Why did the Foundation purchase this property and what are its plans for it?
- The Foundation plans to relocate its offices from 404 Eaton Street to the (remaining) former Woodruff’s grocery building.
- The rest is still on the drawing board! The Foundation has taken a bold step with the ultimate goal to enrich the quality of life in our community. While we don’t know exactly what that will look like yet, we know that by engaging UC folks, groups and different professionals (architects, city planners, community developers…) we can dream up, figure out and plan a new and revitalized space that will benefit our community for decades to come!
- The Foundation has been surveying our residents, partners, and groups since the spring of 2019. It has been a true fact-finding journey and we have learned a lot from all of you!
These things are true about Union County:
- Residents want more FOR and FROM our community: we all see the potential and opportunities
- Union County struggles with retaining and attracting residents
- Quality of life, “sense of place”, and resident engagement are critical components in successful community development
- If we don’t invest in our community, who will?
- By securing this important downtown space which has been historically used by many non-profit groups and organizations, the Foundation wants to make sure that present and future needs of our community are accommodated, and that this area remains a “community asset”
The Foundation remains dedicated to and focused on our normal activities: supporting our donors, all local non-profit groups, organizations, and projects. It has also become crucial that the Foundation support true revitalization efforts that encourage folks to live here, shop here, play here, and be proud that they do.
The Foundation pursued an opportunity to seize and shape the future of a valuable space in our county seat, for the benefit of most. We intend to work up a plan for this area that will best encompass current needs and future opportunities with the main goal of enriching the quality of life for our residents.
Therefore… stay tuned! We look forward to bringing you along this exciting journey.

This aerial picture denotes the area that is now owned by the Union County Foundation. Please note that this image does not accurately portray current buildings and spaces in the area.