Community Grants
Community Impact Grants Program
Four times a year, the Union County Foundation solicits grant applications for the competitive community impact grants funded by the unrestricted endowment funds at the Foundation.
All requests for grants are reviewed by the Foundation’s staff and Grants Committee. The Committee presents funding recommendations to the Board of Directors for each grant cycle at Board’s regularly scheduled meetings where all grant decisions are finalized. All applicants will be notified of funding decisions in writing or by e-mail.
- 1st quarter cycle applications due – March 31
Recipients announced – 1st week of May - 2nd quarter cycle applications due – June 30
Recipients announced – 1st week of August - 3rd quarter cycle applications due – September 30
Recipients announced – 1st week of November - 4th quarter cycle applications due – December 31
Recipients announced – 1st week of February
How to apply:
Submit a grant application HERE.
Note: This application is now done online as of 2/20/25
Please read our program guidelines and policies to ensure you are eligible to apply. (see below) Let us know if you have any questions – we will be happy to help you with your application!
Grant Program Guidelines:
- Foundation community impact grants program will strive to anticipate the changing needs of the community and be flexible in responding to them
- The program is change-oriented and problem-solving in nature with emphasis on “seed” money or pilot project support rather than for ongoing general operating support
- Program focuses on those types of grants which will have the greatest benefit per dollar granted
- Program focuses on those types of grants which will benefit the greatest number of people
- Program encourages the participation of other funding contributors by using matching, challenge, and other grant techniques
- Program coordinates with other sources of funding such as government, other foundations, and associations to maximize the collective impact and outcome for community
Grant Program Policies:
- Grants will be made only to not-for-profit organizations which provide for a responsible fiscal agent and adequate accounting procedures. You are required to provide the Foundation with a copy of your organization’s Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter showing your Not-for-Profit status and your Employer Identification Number (Federal ID#);
- Grants will be made to organizations whose programs benefit the residents of Union County (except as indicated below);
- No grants will be made solely to individuals but can be made for the benefit of individuals for such purposes as scholarships and special programs through educational institutions and other sponsoring recipient organizations;
- Generally, grants will not be made to enable individuals or groups to attend seminars or take trips except where there are special circumstances which will benefit the larger community;
- No grants will be made specifically for sectarian religious purposes but can be made to religious organizations for general charitable community programs;
- No grants will be made for partisan political programs or activities;
- Generally, no grant proposals will be considered by the Foundation which have been proposed by individuals or organizations answering to advisory bodies or individuals unless letters of support or approval from those advisory bodies or persons accompany the grant application – e.g. a school program funding request needs to have a letter of support from the principal attached;
- Generally, grants will not be made for previously incurred debt;
- It is the general policy of the Foundation to operate without discrimination as to age, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or national origin in overall administration and in consideration of grant requests from agencies and organizations.
Grant Completion Report:
The Foundation requires all the grantees to complete and submit a Completion Report as soon as reasonably possible upon the completion of the projects or 6 months after receiving the grant – whichever comes first.